Friday, January 25, 2008

Robotics Animation: The Drawing Board

Autodesk (producer and distributor of numerous important software packages including 3ds Max, Maya, and Inventor) is a major sponsor of FIRST. Every year, Autodesk sponsors a design competition which runs simultaneously with the FIRST build season. Teams use the 3ds Max software (used for digital effects and imagery in major motion films and television) provided to construct a 30 second animation. The animation criteria for this year can be found here. This year, the excitement of the first few weeks of our rookie season led us to begin conceptualizing relatively late in the season. However, we are nearing selection of an idea which we will animate.

Initially, we were struck by the difficulty of the problem: we faced the same dilemma real inventors face - how does one conceive of a new invention that society needs? The only real springboards are the problems to be addressed; however, few societal problems carry innate and obvious solutions. In brief, some of our design ideas follow.

- A nanomolecule or nanobot which removes toxins and harmful bacteria from water supplies. Animation would have to depict interactions at the atomic level.
- A compost machine which converts food waste into clean water and nutrient-filled soil. The inspiration for this idea comes from a similar machine which Westminster has been evaluating.
- Large sails for cargo ships. While fitting ocean vessels with sails is hardly a revolutionary idea, recent advances in materials science and computer science now allow for efficient sails which are constantly adjusted for maximum benefit. Some sources estimate such sails could reduce ocean cargo ship fuel use by 35%.
- A plant which utilizes either nanobots or bacteria to decompose plastics. Currently, astounding amounts of plastics are placed in landfills. Being able to cleanly decompose these materials instead of harming the earth would clearly greatly benefit society. Again, animation would depict interactions at a very small scale.
- One or more automated trash collecting robots. The scene imagined depicts robots in a park picking up trash and sorting between trash and recycling.
- A "water city" which unites both present and future technologies such as wind power, wave power, water desalination, hydroponics, etc.

Additionally, we must decide whether we want to include some sort of story or humor within our short or if we'd prefer to create an animation which focuses more on the invention itself, visual stimulation, etc. Briefly, the advantage of a joke or story is that they can make the animation more memorable and unique. The disadvantage is that an emphasis on character or humor deemphasizes the invention itself and due to time constraints will likely reduce visual quality.

Finally, a visual style must also be chosen. The theme chosen will greatly impact the visual styles we choose; in three weeks it's not possible to create an almost photorealistic "water city," but a park would be more doable. Other artistic styles can be created in shorter time periods.

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